Untitled Document



  1. Introduction
    The company KARAOKEPT, Edições Musicais Lda, is the legal owner of the website ChuvadeEstrelas.com. 

    KARAOKEPT, Avenida da Escola Nº 11 3510-602 Couto de Cima - Portugal
    E-mail: geral2016@karaokept.com
    Tel: +351 232 426 871 - 963 034 125

    This Agreement establishes the Legal Terms between KARAOKEPT and the user that will use the site ChuvadeEstrelas.com

  2. Acceptance of Terms
    When accessing / purchasing products from this site, you agree without exception to all terms and conditions herein. If you disagree with any of these Terms of Service, please do not use the site or purchase our products. Please review this agreement periodically since we can, at any time, amend these terms of service, prevailing always, however, the conditions at the date of checkout. If you continue browsing this site it means that you accept automatically these terms and conditions.
    In any case, we advise you to save and print these Terms. 

  3. Copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights
    The use of this Site does not grant you any rights other than the ones presented here. 

    All ChuvadeEstrelas.com content is in accordance with the appropriate legislation relating to copyright, trademark or intellectual property. You can use the content only for your personal use. Must keep intact: all copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices or marks. You can not copy or reproduce any content obtained from this Website or copy or reproduce any instrumental tracks / video generated from the Site, except for streaming, for your personal use. YOU AGREE NOT TO CHANGE, MODIFY, PUBLISH, DISTRIBUTE, SELL, SPREAD, TRANSMIT, CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS OR EDIT ANY CONTENT OF THIS WEB SITE OR INSTRUMENTAL TRACKS / VIDEO GENERATED FROM THE SITE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM ChuvadeEstrelas.com AND KARAOKEPT.
    Any violation of copyright will result in termination of services and possible prosecution.

  4. Property notice
  5. You agree that the site ChuvadeEstrelas.com and its services, including but not limited to graphics, text, Instrumental, VideoKaraokes, photos and editorial content, contains information and material that is owned by KARAOKEPT and are protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws including but not limited to copyright, and that you will not use such information or materials in any way except for using the Service in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. No portion of the Service may be reproduced in any form or by any other means. You agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on the Service, in any form, nor can you explore any other unauthorized use of this Service.

  6. Content removal or other materials of ChuvadeEstrelas.com
  7. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, ChuvadeEstrelas.com reserves the right to change, suspend, remove, or disable access to any service, content, or other materials that make up a part of the Service at any time without notice. In no event is ChuvadeEstrelas.com responsible for the removal or disabling of access to any services such as content or materials under this Agreement. ChuvadeEstrelas.com may also impose limits on the use or access to certain features or portions of the Service, in any case and without notice or liability.

  8. Copyrights
  9. All copyrights, in and to the Service, including the compilation of content, postings, links to other Internet resources, and descriptions of those resources, software, are owned by KARAOKEPT. YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR ANY PART OF THE SERVICE, EXCEPT THE USE OF THE SERVICE as permitted in these Terms of Service is strictly prohibited and VIOLATES THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES AND may subject you to civil and criminal penalties, including possible CRIME COMPLAINTS for COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND RELATED RIGHTS.

  10. Usage Rules

    • You agree that you are authorized to use the "Home" plans only for personal, noncommercial use. "Home" plans can not be used in relation to any commercial endeavors except after upgrade to a "PRO" plan.
    • You acknowledge that the subscription of these Services does not transfer any other rights other than those set out in these terms.
    • You acknowledge that the violations of the site's security or function may result in civil or criminal liability. ChuvadeEstrelas.com may investigate occurrences that involve such violations and may involve / cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who are involved in such violations.
    • You agree that your purchase or use of products, constitutes your acceptance and agreement to use such Products solely in accordance with the Usage Rules, and that any other use of the Products may constitute a violation of copyright.

  11. Description of services
    ChuvadeEstrelas.com offers a karaoke service for streaming, which enables you to listen and sing along with the instrumental synchronized with the lyrics. By subscribing to one of our plans you will have access to the entire VideoKaraoke catalog for the duration of the signed subscription.

  12. Site Registration
    To purchase products or subscribe to our services, you must create an account. For this you must choose a username and password to confirm.
    You, the USER, are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Account. You shall not disclose the account information to anyone else or use another person's account. You are solely responsible for all activities that occur on or through your account. You must immediately notify ChuvadeEstrelas.com of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security. ChuvadeEstrelas.com is not responsible for any losses arising from unauthorized use of your account.
    Additional information will be requested from you (name, city, age, etc.). You agree to provide exact information and update it if necessary.

  13. Pricing
    The applied currency is the Euro (€) and the prices applied are those shown on the site. Rates shown and detailed in each product / subscription already have their VAT included. KARAOKEPT reserves the right to make, at any time, the modifications it deems appropriate and can update products and prices without notice.

  14. Payment methods
    All information about payments can be found HERE

  15. Products available on the site ChuvadeEstrelas.com
    The site ChuvadeEstrelas.com offers Videokaraoke streaming. By purchasing a subscription to the service will have access (during the subscribed period) to all VideoKaraokes found on the ChuvadeEstrelas.com catalog

  16. Account deactivation
    KARAOKEPT can deactivate your account without notice or permission, in the event of non-compliance with these general conditions, non-payment of amounts due or other acts against the interests of KARAOKEPT.
    If you want to deactivate your account, send your request by e-mail to geral2016@karaokept.com. 

  17. Responsibility
    The use of this Website is at your own risk. The content and services are provided "as is". KARAOKEPT provides no warranty of any kind, express or implied. KARAOKEPT does not guarantee the accuracy of any content on this site, the availability of the site or that any errors will be corrected. 

    KARAOKEPT can not be held responsible for the speed of access to the Site ChuvadeEstrelas.com, the access speed when opening pages of the Site or streaming, external slowdown, suspension or inaccessibility of its services.
    KARAOKEPT can not be liable in any event, for the lack of protection to your technical equipment, in particular against any form of contamination by viruses and / or intrusion attempts that are your responsibility.
    The installation, use and maintenance of facilities for accessing the Site are your responsibility. In any case, KARAOKEPT will not be liable when the Site malfunctions because of your software, configurations, operating system or equipment.
  18. Termination of Services.
    • If ChuvadeEstrelas.com suspects you have failed complying with any provision of this Agreement, including, but not limited to non-payment of due fees, failure to protect your account information, or violation of the Usage Rules or any license for the software, the site ChuvadeEstrelas.com, in its sole discretion, without notice may: terminate this Agreement and suspend or discontinue the service.

  19. Applicable law
    This User Agreement / Terms of Service and any dispute arising thereof shall be governed and construed in accordance with Portuguese law. You agree that any dispute arising from these Terms of Service or your use of this Site shall be filed only in Portugal.

  20. Site modification
    KARAOKEPT reserves the right to amend, modify or discontinue any or all content and / or ChuvadeEstrelas.com services without notice and without liability to you or third parties.

  21. Disclaimer of Warranties; LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY.
    KARAOKEPT does not guarantee that the use of its services, including karaoke streaming will be uninterrupted or error free. You agree that the services may temporarily and for indefinite periods, become inaccessible. In no event shall KARAOKEPT take the responsibility, pledging, however, to resolve these situations as soon as possible.

    It is up to the user to understand how the site works, reading the manuals available online. However, KARAOKEPT will provide support for the user to take full advantage of all the site's features, answering your questions and issues.

    KARAOKEPT makes all reasonable efforts to protect information submitted by you. It does, however, reject any responsibility for any data loss or liability relating to such information.

    KARAOKEPT does not guarantee that its services are free of damage, attack, viruses, interference, hacking or other security intrusions, rejecting any responsibility or claims arising therefrom.
    Due to the digital nature of all products available on this website, the execution of the respective download will be considered a breach of inviolability, and it will not be possible, from that moment, to return it under the terms of paragraph l) of art. 17 of Decree-Law no. 24/2014 of 14 February.
    1. The User may submit their complaints to Karaokept, musical editions, located at Avenida da escola nº 11 3510-602 Couto de Cima, or electronically through our contact form

    2. You can also use the Electronic Complaints Book, which is a measure of the “SIMPLEX + 2016” program involving the Directorate-General for Consumers and regulators in the various sectors



  1. Introduction
    The terms presented here are KARAOKEPT's Privacy policy for their online services by streaming. This Privacy Policy describes how personal data is collected, processed and used for the services of KARAOKEPT.

    By using our services, you agree to the terms below. 

    Changing the privacy policy: This Privacy Policy may change according to the evolution of our services. Please consult this document periodically to be aware of any possible changes. 

    Age requirements for use of this service: You must be over 13 years old to use this service. Children under 13 years can never disclose personal information without permission from parents. KARAOKEPT commits to not collect data provided by children under 13 years of age. If KARAOKEPT is aware that collected personal information from children under 13, this information will be immediately removed from our database. 

    Collection of personal data

    Solicited information
    In order to use our services, you may be asked during enrollment that you provide some personal information including, but not limited to, your name, date of birth, country of residence, e-mail or other contact details. If you do not want to make this information available, you can not use the services that require it. Nevertheless, you can continue visiting and using the Site and the services that do not require any personal information. 

    Use of your personal data
    KARAOKEPT can use the information you provided to provide you with the services you purchased, including, but not limited to, completion of forms for goods and services, delivery of the purchased content or help to our support service for tracking your questions.

    Disclosure of your personal data
    The information you provide will only be used by KARAOKEPT. However, your information may be disclosed if we are required or authorized by law. If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content on the Site ChuvadeEstrelas.com or have any disruptive behavior on the Site, KARAOKEPT can use the information gathered to stop such behavior. 

    Sharing of personal data to third parties
    KARAOKEPT undertakes to protect the personal information provided and not disclose it to third parties. Similarly, KARAOKEPT will not sell, rent, trade, or authorize others to use your email address or any information that personally identifies you. 

    Customer service correspondence
    If you send us correspondence, including emails and faxes, we retain such information in the records of your account. We may also retain customer service correspondence in order to evaluate and improve our customer service and investigate potential fraud and violations of our Terms of Service. 

    Cookies are small amounts of data sent to your computer. They can be used to store or retrieve some information such as your password or user name so that you need not re-enter that information each time you use our Site. Your search engine can be configured to accept or reject cookies, or notify you when a cookie is protected. However, you must enable cookies from KARAOKEPT to use some of the services on our website. 

    Account modification and personal data
    You have the right to access your personal data, rectify it or complete it if it's inaccurate or incomplete, the right to oppose free of charge to its use in order to meet your business demands and more generally, the right to oppose to any form of treatment. 

    The request must be made by email to: geral2016@karaokept.com. 

    KARAOKEPT is concerned about the security of your personal information. To ensure the privacy of your data, security and protection against loss, misuse or alteration of information under our control, our database is protected by dedicated hardware and software. Likewise, we take steps to detect and prohibit certain connections and operations by unauthorized users. 

    Contact us
    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or comments about our services and our privacy policy. To do so, send an email to: geral2016@karaokept.com. 



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